Real Estate Developers and Brokers know an experienced Team Leader makes all the difference.
You want the best for your clients: Assemble the best team for more Success in your Projects
Proven Team Leadership
Education and Licensing in Design and Construction
Resource identification and fee/cost bidding
Keep all team members focused on the Client’s priorities, not theirs
Keep design professionals and contractors on schedule and budget
Why wait? You only stand to gain:We usually save our clients more than our fee. Often 2-3 times our fee!
The principal of PMA has built more office space than virtually anyone else in Orange County. They have an impeccable record for remaining on budget and on schedule.
Mike Lutton, Chairman
PLC COMMERCIAL (formerly of the Irvine Company)
PMA was of unmeasureable assistance and is unfailingly pleasant and proficient in carrying out all of their variety of tasks. Their excellent coordination brought the job in early and on budget, which made me look very good in the eyes of my partners.
Alan J. Freisleben, Partner
During lease negotiations, we expressed concern over paying a construction management fee. Now that our project has been completed successfully, we feel we have received excellent service and full value from PMA.
Michael L. Meyer, Managing Partner